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Now, dictionaries are offered in various forms, such as Internet medium, hard copy and digital mediums. Dictionaries were originaly offered only in paper medium. However, Internet and CD-ROM dictionaries have recently increased with the spread of personal computers. Today, since CD-ROM and Internet dictionaries are spreading, the only advantage of paper dictionaries is their portability. But present internet dictionaries have only a little advantage in comparison with hard copy dictionaries; because there are many Internet dictionaries, it is possible to use a dictionary of paper medium by the Internet. Another advantage is that time is shortened when consulting a dictionary, and there is no restriction such as the number of letters and pages, and, if clicked, it is possible to look up a linked word, which can be accessed by anyone by the internet. There are some internet dictionaries that already have these feature, such as EIJIROU, which has many example sentences. Some Internet dictionaries also include the pronunciation of English words. If the act of consulting a dictionary is means to just examine the definitions of English words, such Internet dictionaries do not have good study efficiency, because only the definitions are studied without the semantic background of English words. Although various methods to learn English exist, the method using Indo-European roots has been very efficient and effective.[10]

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